Fetch.io 不仅是一款云存储网盘服务,更是一款面向国外主流网盘资源的在线提取、存储和下载工具,为用户免费提供 2GB 云存储空间和 4G / 月流量带宽,支持 RapidShare、MegaUpload、FileServe、Netload.in、FileSonic、Easy-Share、MegaShares、Hotfile、Despositfiles 等网盘。
正如其网站首页所写的:“You like to download things and you don’t like waiting a long time for them…”。Fetch.io 的价值正在于解决了用户使用网盘服务(尤其是国外网盘)时的种种缺点 — 速度慢,用户体验差。原因可能来自多方面,如种子少、带宽有限、广告等待时间、对下载工具和线程数的限制,可否续传以及某墙等。
Fetch.io 则以在线提取 -> 存放到云空间 -> 随时供用户下载取用这一 “中转站” 式的思路,提供了解决方案。用户无需再在本地电脑等待下载的完成,只需在 Fetch.io 中布置好文件提取任务,就可以享受无广告无等待时间的爽快体验。
在 7 月份的时候有幸注册了个账号体验过一段时间感觉不错,后来貌似收费了。今天 facebook 看到消息说由于各种原因 2012 年一月一日将停止服务,2 月份重新回归作为一项免费服务,届时只支持 http,ftp 和 torrent。
以下为 facebook 原话:
- Fetch.io, the current service, will shut down on January 1st, 2012. We will re-launch in February as a free service, it will support HTTP, FTP, and torrent fetching only.
- Registration will be closed on December 10th, all payments received from November 28th will be refunded in full. If you paid after November 28th and do not receive a refund, please contact our support with your receipt for reference.
- All Paypal subscriptions will be cancelled to prevent further billing.
- Paid users will have until December 31st to download all their files. After this date, the servers will be offline.
- OCH will return in the future via partnership agreements we form with the various companies. We will work to purchase licenses to OCH sites so the service may once and for all be stable.
We apologize for the temporary hiatus, but we believe the restructure will make Fetch.io a thriving service in the long run. Thank you all for your support and understanding.
Fetch.io Team